Imagine if there were vacant lots readily available for young families and retirees to build their future here in Bonesteel-Fairfax. What might that do for our community?
Affordable housing and the opportunity to build your own home should not be hard to come by in a rural community - however it continues to be a problem in our area.
A team of residents has been working on a plan to remedy this issue, and they are happy to announce a project to convert old property to advertise affordable lots for sale. The project is named “Building Up Bonesteel-Fairfax.”
Along with G-CODE and Dakota Resources, our local team, Sue Vogt, Tim Sanderson, Kelly Wollman, Tyler Uecker and Greg Hausmann have been working to create an action plan. Their goal is to secure three lots and have them offered for sale by the middle of May, 2021.
Can you help them?
The team is currently completing a property inventory and have been in touch with the Bonesteel Area Community Development Corporation, who is open to helping them with some funding along the way.
Do you have a lot or vacant home that you would be willing to sell? Do you know someone who owns a lot in our communities, but lives out of town/state and never intends to utilize the property? If so, the team would like to hear from you.
Housing issues affect all facets of our community. Businesses would benefit from having more options to offer potential employees. Our school would benefit from young families moving into town. Property taxes from new homes would directly benefit our cities, and cleaning up old lots for new homes would improve the look of our neighborhoods.
Cleaning up our towns is a major part of the group’s objective as well.
The Building Up Bonesteel-Fairfax team is asking for your support, and helpful information if you have it to offer. If you would like to contact them, please call or email Kelly Wollman, 605-654-2678 / or Sue Vogt, 605-929-6306 /
This project is also open to Fairfax residents who may be interested in completing the same objective. If you would be interested in joining the group - please get in touch with any one of the current team members.