How would you feel about a new Community Center for the City of Bonesteel? This was a question that was discussed on September 8, 2020 at the Public Hearing during the regular City Council Meeting to start the process of applying for loans and grants on the project. The City Council chose to not make a decision on anything until they got more information from the state and more input from community members. This decision was made due to several different reasons, but one main reason was there were only seven people that showed up at the Public Hearing to voice their opinions about the idea of building a new Community Center.
Even with the low turn-out, there were several different discussions that took place. Some of the questions were; Does the community really need a new building? Why can’t we just fix up the old city hall? Where is the money coming from to pay for it all? What repairs would need to be completed to maintain the existing City Hall? What about use of the school for events? Every one of these questions were very good questions and the council did respond with answers to most.
Read the full article in this week's Bonesteel Enterprise.
