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Gregory County 4-H Youth in Action Day

On Saturday, March 2 Gregory County 4-H held Youth-in-Action Day. Youth participated in the Special Foods contest, Science of Agriculture Presentations and Public Presentations Contest.

In the special foods contested each worked independently to prepare a healthy food item, while being judged on their nutrition knowledge, quality of food, safe food handling practices, and proper cooking techniques. The recipes will be available in the April newsletter. Beginner participants included Jeremiah Swift (Top Beginner, purple with waffles), Moraiah Swift (Reserve Beginner, purple with an omelet), Jack Shulte (purple with tactos), Tamara Imhoff (blue with omelet), and Kyrie Matucha (red with fish). Junior participants included Malachi Swift (Top junior, purple with meatloaf), Nathan Swift (Reserve junior, purple with lasagna) and Laney Spencer (purple with Mac N Cheese Pizza). Top Senior went to Patience Swift (purple with Chicken Enchiladas) and reserve senior was Lahna Matchucha (purple, Cheeseburger poptart). Thank you to our judges, Valerie Van Meter, Audrey Keierleber and Cass Cernetisch.

Both Science of Agriculture teams presented their current progress with their projects involving Burke Lake, and received feedback from judges and community members. Team one members include Jay Broome, Corbin Rolf and Cade Burrus. Team two members include Sawyer Tietgen, Cody Williams & Garner Burrus. Judges were Audrey Keierleber and Jerry Peterson.

Three members gave public presentations, teaching the audience about Pandas, Vision Testing, and Soccer Thank you to the youth who participated, judges who provided feedback, and adults who helped the 4-H'ers prepare for these events! Kyrie Matucha was Top Beginner (purple on Giant Pandas), Sawyer Tietgen was top Junior (purple on Soccer) and Lahna Matucha was top Senior (purple on Vision Screening). Judges were Dr. Pamela Osnes and Anna Andersson.


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