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Elijah Everette Named 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador

Youth from counties across South Dakota were selected to serve as South Dakota 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadors; selected youth include: Kate DeVelder, Clay County; Elijah Everette, Gregory County and Emily Foiles, Clark County.

Selected through an application process, these 4-H youth attended the 2018 National Shooting Sports Ambassador Institute in Bozeman, Montana July24 - July 28, 2018.

Designed to promote 4-H and 4-H Shooting Sports, during the National 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador Program, the South Dakota Ambassadors receive training that allows them to return to their homes and advocate for the program at the county, regional and state level.

"Having these three individuals as part of our program will be a great assets in helping to grow and expand 4-H Shooting Sports programs across the state," said John Keimig, SDSU Extension youth safety field specialist.

South Dakota 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadors provide public relations support at special events such as donor/sponsor functions and serve as spokespersons for the 4-H Shooting Sports Program, helping to make 4-H and the 4-H Shooting Sports Programs more visible. Some Ambassadors may be asked to support national events as well. Throughout the experiences, ambassadors will further develop their skills in leadership, public presentation, citizenship, community service, public relations and team building.

Learn more about South Dakota 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadors

Kate DeVelder, is a 4-H member in Clay County. In Clay County, she provides leadership to the county Shooting Sports program as one of the senior members of the program. She has been involved in many community service and leadership activities with her 4-H club. She has also served as a Clay County 4-H Ambassador and has served in other leadership roles as well.

Elijah Everette, is a 4-H member in Gregory County. He is active in Gregory County 4-H Shooting Sports and has qualified to compete at State Shoot in several disciplines. Everette has also qualified to go to the National 4-H Shooting Sports championships twice, representing South Dakota on the Recurve Archery Team and the Shotgun Team. In his application, he highlighted a welding project he constructed to help further the experience of the Gregory County 4-H Shotgun Program.

Emily Foiles, is a 4-H member in Clark County. She is active in many parts of the 4-H shooting sports program. She is one of the youth representatives on the State 4-H Shooting Sports Committee. In addition, Foiles shows leadership in her local program where she is a tremendous mentor to younger competitors. Foiles has qualified to compete at the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships three times. She has been part of the South Dakota 4-H Muzzleloading Team, Recurve Archery Team and the Hunting Team.

To learn more about South Dakota 4-H and 4-H Shooting Sports, contact your local SDSU Extension 4-H Youth Program Advisor. A complete listing can be found at under the Field Staff icon.

Youth from counties across South Dakota were selected to serve as South Dakota 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadors;

selected youth include (left to right): Kate DeVelder,Clay County; Emily Foiles, Clark County and Elijah Everette, Gregory County.


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